Monday, July 1, 2013

Hello! Long time no see!

As soon as I started college again, my childcare days had to slow down. So did my blogging. The semester's long over and I am now halfway through my summer mission trip, working in children's camps all summer!

It's been an amazing time and if you want to read all about it, check out my mission blog!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Orientation and Sick Day?

Ive been really busy! I've missed posting about the past 2 weeks mostly because of school starting. I'm at Winthrop and its really awesome! The Friday before last was orientation. And as excited as EL was to be at college. He quickly figured out that he was going to do a lot of walking so that wasn't really fun. However he was the perfect child all day. He was very well behaved even though I could tell he was really bored. His true test though, was when I had to spend an hour or more trying to register for the classes I needed. I promised to take him for ice cream for being so good but his mother picked him up before I had the chance. So instead she made sure he got his reward.

After putting him through that I was really determined that we would have fun this past Friday. Unfortunately something happened. I had been running around all week without a break and whether it was stress or just a migraine, I don't know. But just a few hours into the day I started getting a headache. We played his video game and I tried to remain upbeat but it just wasn't happening. The headache turned to nausea and I got pretty sick. I know EL wasn't happy with this new development and though I tried my hardest to stay up, I fell asleep about 2 hours before the end of the day while watching tv with EL.

I'm not happy about that and I have to say that the is the first time I've ever gotten sick while sitting. To be honest I wasn't sure what to do. I certainly didn't want to call his mom at work. I don't think his mother was too upset about it since I told her. But I'm really disappointed with myself and I know I'm really going to have to make up for it. So I'm gonna come up with an activity of epic proportions for this coming friday. I also will most likely have to make up for my lack of work ethic on that video game.

So orientation day was alright. Last Friday, not so much. But I'm just going to look ahead and maybe come up with a plan in case something like that happens again.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Years Eve

I did babysit for New Years Eve for another Mom. I didn't get her permission to post about the job but I will say that it was a bit...crazy...hectic if you will. But ultimately it was alright. This Friday I have my college orientation and E.L. is coming with me to that since I won't be able to go to his house. I won't get to do much with him but hopefully it will all go well. Happy New Year everyone!